The Qualifying Exam

When you are done, copy and paste your answers into a private message and send it to me on YCM it will be graded. This exam is based on the rules of the game and trivia of the ORIGINAL anime only. Begin.

1. What is the name of Joey's Sister?

2. How many tributes do you need to tribute summon an 11 star monster?

3. What year of school is yugi in?

4. What's the name of Kaiba's brother?

5. What are the phases you go through every turn?

6. Who is Shadi?

7. Who is Odion?

8. Name one monster in Marik Ishtar's deck.

9. What millennium item does Ishizu Ishtar possess?

10. How many turns does an actual duel have?

11. What types of monsters are in Bakuras deck?

12. How many times in the show do the duels end in a Draw?

13. How many Blue eyes white dragons appear in the show?